Getting started with JAVASCRIPT

Chapter 1 :  Fundamentals

1.1 The efficient JavaScript/HTML duo

1.1.1 The Brackets editor helps to code

1.1.2 A web page without JavaScript code

1.1.3 An example with JavaScript coding

1.2 The DOM or the tags tree

1.2.1 The querySelector() and getElementById() methods

1.2.2 Creating the web page directly in JavaScript 


1.3 Where can I find information about JavaScript?

1.4 The variables

1.4.1 Declaration and assignment

1.4.2 Scope of variables

1.4.3 Scripts without function

1.5 The functions

1.5.1 Creating a function

1.5.2 Calling a function

1.5.3 Passing values into a function

1.5.4 Passing variables into a function

1.5.5 Anonymous functions

Chapter 2 : Control structures

2.1 The conditions

2.1.1 if

2.1.2 if ... else

2.1.3 if ... elseif ... else

2.1.4 switch

2.2 Comparison operators

2.3 Loops

2.3.1 while

2.3.2 do...while

2.3.3 for

2.3.4 for ... of

 Chapter 3 : Events

3.1 Events caused by the Internet user

3.1.1 Keyboard events

Capturing a key with keypress

Coloring when entering text

Ctrl, Alt, Shift and A with a keydown event

Pressing several keys at the same time

3.1.2 Mouse events

Displaying two images according to the left click

Mouse position on a map of Europe

An image cut into several parts

3.2 Events in a form

3.2.1 Reminder about the form elements structure

3.2.2 Tags that create elements

3.2.3 The <input> tag

3.2.4 Workshop : a form to request information

3.3 AddEventListener and bubbling

3.3.1 Listening to a click on 3 images

3.3.2 Checking empty fields in a form

3.3.3 The boiling of events

how may this bubbling help us ?

An example without bubbling

Bubbling avoids redundancy

Chapter 4 : Text, number and date

 4.1 Manipulating strings of characters

4.1.1 Concatenating string

4.1.2 Concatenating special characters

4.1.3 The length property

4.1.4 The confirm dialog box

4.1.5 Text manipulation methods

4.2 Number manipulation

4.2.1 Accuracy and rounding

4.2.2 The very important parseFloat method

4.2.3 The Math objects

4.3 Handling dates

4.3.1 Calculating your age

4.3.2 Methods that affect dates